GDT Temp Fill: Excellence in Temporary Cavity Materials

In this GDT Dental Implants article, we delve into the innovative GDT Temp Fill, a remarkable temporary cavity material that stands out in the dental field. Known for its strength, ease of use, and superior performance, the GDT Temp Fill offers an exceptional solution for dentists seeking reliable and effective temporary fillings.

Understanding Temporary Cavity Materials

Temporary cavity materials are crucial in dental treatments, providing a protective barrier that shields the underlying tooth structures during restorative procedures. These materials are typically used when a tooth requires isolation and protection between treatment stages, offering a temporary solution that prevents contamination and irritation of the tooth. The importance of these materials cannot be overstated, as they ensure the longevity and success of the final restorative work¹.

The Benefits of GDT Temp Fill

The GDT Temp Fill, manufactured by GDT Dental Implants, is a polymer-based zinc-sulfate cement that offers numerous advantages over traditional temporary filling materials. One of its standout features is its hydrophilic nature, which allows it to cure effectively in the presence of oral moisture, forming a tight marginal seal within just two hours. This property ensures that the material adapts seamlessly to the cavity, providing superior isolation and protection to the underlying tooth structure².

Additionally, the GDT Temp Fill is designed to expand slightly during curing, enhancing its ability to maintain a secure fit within the cavity. This expansion contributes to its exceptional resistance to wear and erosion, making it an ideal choice for long-term provisional fillings that may remain in place for several weeks³.

Unique Traits and Advantages

What sets GDT Temp Fill apart from its competitors is its combination of strength, biocompatibility, and ease of removal. The material is robust enough to withstand the stresses of daily oral functions, yet it can be easily removed when the time comes to place a permanent restoration. This balance of durability and convenience makes it a preferred choice among dental professionals⁴.

Moreover, the biocompatibility of GDT Temp Fill ensures that it does not irritate oral tissues, providing a comfortable experience for patients. Its high resistance to stress and excellent adhesion to hard tooth tissues further contribute to its reputation as a reliable and effective temporary filling material.


In this GDT Dental Implants article, we have explored the remarkable GDT Temp Fill, a temporary cavity material that offers unmatched benefits in strength, biocompatibility, and ease of use. As dental technology advances, GDT Temp Fill leads the way, ensuring reliable and effective restorative procedures. Additionally, GDT offers other specialized solutions, such as the GDT Temp Seal, ideal for temporary fillings and sealings before prosthetic installations, and the GDT Denta Seal-Fill, perfect for sealing dental cavities and implant abutments with a durable, easy-to-remove material. These products, alongside GDT Temp Fill, provide comprehensive options for various clinical needs, ensuring optimal patient care.

  1. ResearchGate: Influence of temporary filling material on dental cracks and fractures during endodontic treatment: A systematic review
  2. NIH: Effects of Temporary Filling Materials on Marginal Sealing
  3. ScienceDirect: Properties of Polymer-Based Zinc-Sulfate Cement as a Temporary Filling Material
  4. NIH: Biocompatibility and Effectiveness of Zinc-Sulfate Cements

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GDT Dental Implants stands at the forefront of oral implantology in Israel, committed to offering the most advanced solutions in dental implant technology. We pride ourselves on supplying products of the highest standard to ensure exceptional clinical outcomes.

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